The DOJ Comes After Apple – And Me!

Several decades ago, I was on the wrong side of a DOJ anti-trust investigation that alleged price fixing by all five producers of sodium bicarbonate.

Work, Retirement and Time

My friend Robert Brancatelli always manages to come up with thoughtful comments in his blog entries. You can read all of his posts here. His

Of Cyber Hacks and Cheesecake

Probably most of us have received the unsettling email from one of the corporations with which we regularly do business.It goes something like this: “We are

The IRS Comes Calling

On June 16, 2023, the Wall Street journal reported on a letter that Congressman Jim Jordan sent to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel. The letter demanded

Academics Peer Into the Private Sector

Long-term tenured professors must be surveying the higher education landscape and wondering just what has happened to their once-predictable lives. It’s not just small liberal arts