
The Voters Can Achieve Term Limits, But We Must Band Together

In a recent Wall Street Journal column regarding Republican Senator Mitch McConnell, writer Collin Levy hit the nail squarely on the head when she wrote: “Mr. McConnell, 83, isn’t seeking re-election in 2026, so he’s free to vote his conscience”.

Imagine that – a Member of Congress voting conscience rather than slavish adherence to party orthodoxy. Next thing you know, they will be voting for what is good for the country.

But why wait for retirement at age 83 (or older) to get to this liberated point? Term limits have been discussed forever, but amending the Constitution is difficult. One would think that writing an amendment that grandfathers currently serving members might do the trick and get the Amendment through Congress and on to the States for ratification. If that doesn’t work, the Convention of States movement, allowed by the Founders, is an end-run around Washington. 

But there is a faster way to get the same practical result. If all voters band together and agree to never vote for an incumbent who is seeking re-election, then two things will take root within a few years: The parties will be forced to nominate fresh blood or lose, and newly elected members will know they have only a single term to “vote their conscience” like Mitch is now free to do.

There are many who think this would be a bad idea – why throw out the good with the bad? But history suggests that very few get thrown out, and many very capable people will never get the chance to serve in positions that are blocked by lifelong politicians, secure in their well compensated and highly pampered positions.