Skin in the Game
Laura Hamilton, a Professor at the University of California (Merced campus) was quoted in the New York Times on January 20th. Speaking about the results of her research, she said it was an unexpected finding that the more college money that parents provide – either in absolute terms or as a share of total costs – the lower their children’s college grades.
It is not at all odd to me that grades are lower for students whose college education is paid by somebody else. In all endeavors, those who have “skin in the game” always make sure they get the most for their money, and this will hold true for students in college.
I have found in over a decade of teaching at Ursinus College that the students who work outside of school and earn the majority of their tuition money, always do better in the classroom.
It’s always easy to be less focused on achieving results with other people’s money. Just ask Congress.